

布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心





奖s will be given to 工作人员 who have shown exemplary dedication and have gone above and beyond their normal job duties at the University of Idaho. 工作人员 who qualify for the award will be nominated by their peers and reviewed through an award process conducted by the 员工委员会 员工奖励 subcommittee. 另外, those 工作人员 retiring from the university will also be recognized along with the longevity awards of current employees for service of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30等. 以五年为单位. 

欲了解更多信息,请联系 工作人员-awards@zjhsycw.com.


目前正在申请2023-24年度员工奖的提名. The awards ceremony will be held in conjunction with the 教师 University 奖s for Excellence in late spring semester. We will provide more information about the format and details about the ceremony as we work through spring semester.

提交截止日期: 提名截止日期已延长至二月二日(星期五). 9, 2024.

以下是不同类别的员工奖. 您可以使用此表格提交所有员工奖项的提名 提名表格.


历史 ——劳伦斯·C. 麦克布莱德奖 was established by private donors in 2002 to recognize exempt 工作人员 for exemplary service to the University of Idaho. 该奖项是首个此类奖项,是对杰出员工奖的补充,但不能取代杰出员工奖.

资格 -每年奖励一名获豁免员工类别的员工. The selection committee strongly encourages nominations of employees who perform high-level administrative support functions to departments, 学院或行政单位. 高管不符合资格. Nominees must demonstrate evidence of upward progression within the university 工作人员 community and must have been employed in their current or similar positions at the university for a minimum of five years.

奖 & 演讲 -当前形势下的COVID-19, we will determine the best way to honor the awardee and communicate across the University the plans as we get through the winter and into the spring.

标准 - Nominees for this prize should emulate as closely as possible the example that was set by retired 工作人员 member Larry McBride during his nearly 20 years of distinguished service to the university. The prize recognizes service far beyond that expected from the job description; in fact accomplishing one’s job well does not appear on the list of criteria. 选择标准包括以下描述:典型的想象力, 有创意的, 乐观积极的态度, 忠诚的, 专用的, 支持, 热情的, 对自己和他人都有最高的绩效标准, 可靠友好.


  • 网上提名表格.
  • One nominating letter (two pages maximum length attached to the online 提名表格) from any university administrator, 教师, 或者是认识被提名人的工作人员,他/她可以为机构服务. 这封信必须提供一个粗略的描述,详细说明被提名人的成就. 
  • Two supporting letters (two pages maximum length attached to the online 提名表格) from other administrators, 教师, 工作人员, 学生或同事. The supporting letters must focus on two or three specific examples of the nominee’s exemplary service.
  • Professional resume of the nominee (one page in length)—should be provided by nominee to nominator.


历史 -自1972年以来,365滚球官网一直设有杰出员工奖. They began as an outgrowth of the longevity awards which are given annually to U of I 工作人员 who have been employed for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30等. 以5年为单位. The 杰出员工奖s are designed to honor a non-教师 工作人员 member who is believed to be outstanding by their co-workers and/or supervisors. The goal of the awards effort is to encourage more support and recognition of the 工作人员 for their dedication and hard work on behalf of the University of Idaho.

资格 - All non-教师 工作人员 members on board appointment who have not received the award during the previous three years are eligible. 杰出员工奖小组委员会成员不获提名.


  • 高级领导
  • Non-教师豁免
  • 技术/辅助
  • 服务/维修
  • 熟练的交易
  • 行政助理

奖 & 演讲 -当前形势下的COVID-19, we will determine the best way to honor the awardee and communicate across the University the plans as we get through the winter and into the spring.

选择 - 选择 of Outstanding 工作人员 will be made solely on the information provided on the 提名表格s or, 从提名信中列出的每一个标准. 选择 will be made by a subcommittee of 员工委员会 members and past recipients of the award.

标准 -每份提名必须涉及以下四个类别:

  • 服务质素
  • 杰出的工作
  • 倡议
  • 人际关系

当考虑提名某人时, you should be familiar with their job description through contact with the nominee and their supervisor. 你的提交应该解决这些问题 异常/不寻常的承诺, 职业道德或工作表现使这个人真正杰出.

历史 - The 优秀团队奖 was established in 2005 to honor exceptional teamwork performed by University of Idaho 工作人员 members on one-time or unique non-routine projects. 2005年春天, the Department of Geological Sciences hosted the Goldschmidt Conference on the University of Idaho Campus. It is from this conference that the endowment was established to complement but not replace the Outstanding Employee 奖s sponsored by 员工委员会.


  • The 优秀团队奖 is available to University of Idaho 工作人员 members who have participated on a team comprised of no less than three and no more than fifteen members. 收件人应是董事会指定的工作人员, but exceptions may be made to include temporary help employees or students if they comprise a minority of the team.
  • 只有出色的团队才值得认可, 非例行服务将被授予此奖项. 在某些年份,有可能没有球队被选中,甚至没有被提名.
  • Team members must have played a positive and critical role in the work of the team; demonstrated creativity, 共同掌权, commitment to excellence of the final outcome; and worked above and beyond normal job responsibilities.

奖 & 演讲 -当前形势下的COVID-19, we will determine the best way to honor the awardee and communicate across the University the plans as we get through the winter and into the spring.

历史 -教职员评议会诚邀提名2024-25学年教职员教育奖候选人. 这些奖项每学年颁发一次, 一个学生最多可以获得两次这个奖项. 受助人将随机选择,而不考虑班级水平或经济需要. 将颁发大约4个500美元(250美元/学期)的奖学金.

资格 -要获得此奖项,被提名人必须满足以下所有条件:

  • 做个孩子, 继子, grandchild or legal dependent of a current U of I board appointed 工作人员 member* (not 教师) or honored 工作人员 retiree. 工作人员的配偶不符合资格.
  • 已经被365滚球官网录取2024年秋季入学.
  • 全日制本科至少12个学分, 研究生9学分, 法律10学分.
  • 可能在前两年都没有获得过这个奖项.

注:提名者必须是父母, 继父或继母, 被提名人的祖父母或法定监护人,每位被提名人只接受一次参赛.

获奖及颁奖典礼 - 2024-25 recipients and their nominator will be recognized in spring 2024 at the 大学优秀奖.

贡献 - Funds donated toward this award have been placed in an endowment fund where the accrued interest is available for awards. 我们感激您的贡献,并帮助这个基金成长! 你的捐款可以是工资扣除或一次性的礼物. 还记得爱达荷州吗, 对教育机构的捐款有一个特殊的所得税减免. 请将支票支付给美国大学基金会., and mail to University of Idaho Foundation, 875 Perimeter Drive, MS 3143, 莫斯科, ID 83844-3143. 请注意您的支票是为staff-education奖捐赠,指定代码为EE601.


布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心


