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OUR Research Grants Program


OUR Research Semester Grants Program

本科生研究办公室(OUR)邀请所有学院和学科的本科生申请我们的本科生研究资助. 赠款的目的是支持原始的成长和发展, 在某一学期进行的独立研究或创造性的学术活动. 赠款将用于资助材料和用品、项目相关的差旅费等., up to $1,000. 有两个资助周期:一个是秋季学期资助,一个是春季学期资助. For more information, visit Undergraduate Research Grant Guidelines (PDF) and Undergraduate Research Grant Cover Sheet (PDF).


Application Deadline for spring Semester Awards: Nov. 1, Student will be notified by Dec. 15
Application Deadline for fall Semester Awards: April 15, Student will be notified by May 30

OUR Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program

我们邀请来自365滚球官网所有学科的本科生申请暑期本科生研究奖学金(SURF)。. 冲浪项目是一个为期10周的暑期项目,从6月到8月初,学生可以在任何学习领域的教师指导下全职工作. Each award includes a $5,000 student fellowship given as a stipend and $1,000 in research funds to help cover the cost of materials and supplies, project-related travel expenses, etc. For more information, view the SURF Program Application Guidelines (PDF) and SURF Program Cover Sheet (PDF).

夏季本科生研究奖学金申请截止日期:2月10日. 15, Student will be notified by March 10

OUR Travel Grants

Travel Grant Applications are accepted August 1 through April 1. Travel must occur during the academic year.

我们为科罗拉多大学的本科生提供有限数量的旅行补助金(最高800美元),以支付他们展示研究成果的旅行费用, 在专业会议上进行学术或创造性的活动. This grant does not fund salary or other personnel expenses.

OUR Travel Grant Requirements

所有在校本科生,学习成绩良好者均可申请. 旅行必须发生在学生仍在伊利诺伊大学注册期间,并且研究必须在伊利诺伊大学教师研究顾问的监督下进行. 要参加的会议必须被视为“专业会议”.“每个学生在每学年最多可以从我们的旅行资助计划中获得800美元. This grant does not fund salary or other personnel expenses. 以前没有获得我们旅行补助金的学生将优先考虑.

Students must submit an OUR Travel Grant Application 并附上一封来自指导该学生研究项目的伊利诺伊大学指导老师的支持信. 经费要求必须在预计旅行开始日期前45天提出. In the detailed budget, 提供您对您的交通费用和注册费的最佳估计. 每个月15日前收到的申请将在月底前进行审核.

Please note: 12月份收到的申请将与1月份的申请人一起进行审查.

需要由指导该学生研究项目的伊利诺伊大学教员出具的支持信. 我们的目标是支持由伊利诺伊大学教师指导的伊利诺伊大学本科生的研究. 我们不支持学生在其他大学进行的研究或导师不是伊利诺伊大学的教师的基础上的会议演讲. This letter should include name, location and date of conference; confirmation that this is a professional conference or meeting; a brief statement confirming the faculty member’s mentorship and supervision of the student’s research; a brief statement about the student and their work; a short assessment of the potential significance of the student being invited to the conference; and whether or not this research is supported by a grant (if so, include the funder’s name). 指导老师的声明需要用部门信笺(PDF格式)通过电子邮件发送到 or delivered to the Office for Undergraduate Research.

虽然经济需要是选择的一个考虑因素,但它不是唯一的标准. 我们欢迎来自艺术和人文学科的不同学科的申请, natural sciences, social sciences and the professional schools. 我们也鼓励来自不同学生群体的申请,比如第一次和有经验的演讲者.

OUR can help with the costs of transportation to the conference, hotel expenses and registration fees for the professional conference. OUR funds cannot be used to defray meal expenses. 成功的申请者将获得最多800美元的旅费报销, accommodation and/or meeting registration expenses. 报销时需要提供原始收据和会议计划. 旅行必须完成,报销申请必须在学生还在读期间提出. 报销申请必须在会议结束后15天内提交.

我们的旅行补助金获得者需要在我大学本科生研究研讨会上展示他们的工作, held in April. 获奖者还需要在他们的海报上或在他们的演讲中承认本科研究办公室的支持. Please see our guidelines for acknowledging OUR support.